In case of any Complaint related to the functioning of  EISPL following processes can be followed:

1. Processing of complaints about EISPL personnel and services

    • The complaint is received by mail (, or in the EISPL website (Eurocert Asia).
    • on receiving a complaint, the relevant details are recorded
    • Based on the appraisal of the complaint details, an investigation officer (IO) is designated within 3 days.
    • Resources, if required to carry out are the investigation are allocated to the IO.
    • The investigation to establish a trail of events using following methods:
    • identify the cause of the problem;
    • gather all necessary information for verifying the chain of events;
    • record of statements of the EISPL personnel (the subject of complaint);
    • record of statements of complainants.
    • The IO to find out the root-cause of the complaint within minimum possible time.
    • No deadline is fixed for completing investigation, considering that a transparent and fair investigation may require detailed analysis of various issues.
    • Upon completion of investigation, IO upload submit report to the Director.
    • The Director have discretionary power to accept and implement recommendations in to or in partial.
    • Approved recommendations form the basis for course of redressal and future course of preventive actions.
    • Root cause accepted, correction and corrective action is recorded
    • Intimate the complainant action taken (or to be taken) to resolve the grievance.
    • Inform the complainant, that there is provision to appeal, if not satisfied resolution of their grievance.

2.  Processing of complaints on certified clients

    • The Director reviews the significance of complaint and then appoints a Investigation Officer
    • The method and resources allocated to the investigation is left to the discretion of Director.
    • The certified client which is the subject of a complaint, may be informed about the complaint and the outcome of the investigation.
    • Degree and type of information given to a third-party is governed by policy of the EISPL relating to confidentiality.
    • Identity of the complainant is not be disclosed without permission of the complainant.
    • Once required action has been implemented, the complaint list is updated on root cause accepted, correction and corrective action.
    • Intimate the complainant action taken (or to be taken) to resolve the grievance.
    • Inform the complainant, that there is provision to appeal, if not satisfied resolution of their grievance.
    • The continuity of the effectiveness of the food safety management system of the certified client in question to be verified.