What is Environmental Product Declaration?
Simply said , it is the report card of your products’ environmental impact. It reports the environmental impact over the product life cycle. The  environmental benefits of a company’s products, such as recyclability of packaging, are part of its overall marketing strategy, and companies want to communicate this to their consumers

What is ISO 14020?
ISO 14020 provides businesses with a globally recognized and credible set of international benchmarks against which they can prepare their environmental labelling, which is increasingly used on products and in advertising, in response to consumer demand

How green is your product?
As more consumer get sensitized to the concept of CO2 Emission. They wish to make informed decision. However, there is a difficulty for them as products do not declare their carbon emission consistently. Even if the product do declare Co2 Emission

Eurocert helps in verifying Life cycle assessment of the product and also in verifying the EPD labels developed as per ISO 14020