FOSTAC stands for “Food Safety Training and Certification.” It is a program initiated by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) to provide training and certification in various aspects of food safety and hygiene to individuals involved in the food industry in India. FOSTAC training programs cover various aspects of food safety management, including manufacturing, handling, processing, packaging, and distribution of food products. These programs are designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of individuals involved in the food industry to ensure compliance with food safety regulations and standards.
Basic courses in Catering, Retail, Manufacturing and Storage & Transportation are conducted for 4 hours
Advanced courses in Catering, Retail, manufacturing and Storage & Transportation are conducted for 8 hours however, special courses are conducted for 12 hours
Awareness courses in FoSTaC aim to cover content not addressed in basic or advanced courses, raising awareness among food business operators Awareness Course - Street Food Vendors Awareness training duration:- 2 hours
Basic & Awareness – Food Handlers/ Supervisors (Class 5th Standard)
– Student (10+2 passed with Science.)
Advance & Sector specific courses – Food Handlers / Supervisor, employed in the business having State License
– & Central License. (Graduate with one-year experience)
– Students (Completed/ pursuing final year of graduation, Experience of a minimum 6 weeks)