What is ISO 18788 Certification?

ISO 18788:2015  certification ensures that a security service provider  has a management systems that monitors and improve critical factors that define the quality of service for a security operation management.

Security Operation management systems (SOMS) provides a framework for due diligence , risk assessment and identifying process and their corresponding KPI for delivering reliable and compliant services for security.

What are the Basic requirements for ICOCA compliant ISO 18788 Certification?

Most important requirement related to ISO 18788 certified SOMS provider are

  • accountability to law and respect for human rights which essentially means compliance of working hour and wages requirement of the law of the land
    and compliance with The International Code of Conduct for Private Security Providers (ICoC) 2010
  • The Montreux Document on Pertinent International Obligations and Good Practices for States Related to Operations of Private Military and Security Companies During Armed Conflict, 2008
  • Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Implementing the United Nations “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework, 2011
ICOCA compliant SOMS ISO 18788 certification
ICOCA compliant SOMS ISO 18788 certification

What is ICOCA Compliant ISO 18788 SOMS Certification?

ICoCA is a multi-stakeholder initiative formed in 2013 to ensure that providers of private security services respect human rights and humanitarian law. ICOCA has  developed a code of conduct which members have to comply with. So All ISO 18788 certification which are ICoCA compliant have to become a  ICoCA member and undertake to comply with the ICoCA code.

What are the main steps for   ICOCA Code compliance?

ICoCA code has two main elements, below is a non exhaustive but important


  • Defining the Rules for the Use of Force
  • procedure and circumstances where Detention can be used
  • Training on how to Apprehend Persons
  • Prohibition of Torture or any other form of Inhuman  Treatment
  • Procedures to discourage Punishment
  • processes to prevent Sexual Exploitation  or Gender-Based Violence
  • Avoidance of Human Trafficking
  • Prohibition of Slavery and Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply chain
  •  process to eliminate Discrimination


  •  Selection and Vetting of Personnel and Subcontractors
  • Company Policies and Personnel Contracts
  • Training of Personnel in use and management of weapons
  • Management of Materiel of War
  • Incident Reporting
  • Safe and Healthy Working Environment
  • Prevention of Harassment and Grievance procedure