Policy for suspending, withdrawing or reducing the scope of certification

The EISPL will suspend or withdraw the FSMS certification, or reduce in the scope of certification on the following ground by giving notice to the certified client.

The FSMS certification is suspended if:

    • the certified client has persistently or seriously failed to meet requirements of the food safety management system in accordance with the international standard ISO 22000, and it’s the effectiveness in implementation;
    • the certified client has not participated in the surveillance activities including on-site auditing at the required frequencies;
    • the certified client has did not opted for renewal of certification or re-certification audit was not allow to conduct within time frame;
    • the certified client has voluntarily requested a suspension.
    • the certified client has not submitted corrections and corrective actions for any non conformities (NC) within the stipulated time, and/or resulting pending of review and acceptance of minor NC, review, acceptance and verification of major NC due to delay in submission of report by the certified client;
    • violations of contract by the certified client including outstanding dues on services provided by the EISPL;
    • incorrect/inappropriate use of certificate(s) and/or certification mark(s);
    • result of investigation conducted on a complaint against a certified client.

The certification is withdrawn if:

    • failure to resolve the issues that have resulted in suspension within the specified time frame;
    • in case where reduction in scope has likely impact on the entire management system, reduction shall not be permitted and in that case, the certification is eventuality withdrawn.
    • the certified client wishes to cancel and sends formal notification;
    • the certified client ceases to exist as a legal entity in its form as certified;

The scope of certification is reduced if:

    • failure to resolve those part(s) of issues that have resulted in suspension within the specified time frame;
    • if part(s) of the scope of certification has persistently or seriously failed to meet the certification requirements;