Pressure Equipment’s:
Pressure equipment means vessels, piping, safety accessories and pressure accessories, including, where applicable, elements attached to pressurized parts, such as flanges, nozzles, couplings, supports, lifting lugs.
Types of certification for Pressure Equipment’s under EU Directives:
1.CE Certification under Pressure equipment (PED) – 2014/68/EU:
The European Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 2014/68/EU provides mandatory
guidance for the design, manufacturing and conformity assessment of pressure equipment
with a maximum allowable pressure above 0.5 bar. Compliance with this Directive is
required for designers and manufacturers looking to sell their equipment to the EU
Economic Area. Pressure equipment that is covered by the PED includes pressure vessels,
pressure accessories, piping, steam boilers, safety accessories and assemblies etc.
Conformity Assessment Procedure For PED:
2.Pi mark certification under Transportable pressure equipment (TPED) – 2010/35/EU:
The Transportable Pressure Equipment Directive 2010/35/EU (TPED) addresses the safety requirements and the conformity assessment procedure for transportable pressure equipment used exclusively for the transport of dangerous goods (Class 2) within the Union. Transportable pressure equipment is required to bear the Pi marking to indicate compliance with the directive.
Companies seeking to export transportable pressure equipment to the European market must comply with the TPED Directive 2010/35/EU. In addition to TPED, companies are also required to comply with the agreements and regulations concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road (ADR), by rail (RID) and by inland waterways (ADN).
Eurocert is an authorized inspection and testing body for the European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by road. We help companies in this certification process for European countries.
Product covered under TPED are High-pressure gas cylinders, LPG cylinders, cryogenic transport vessels, one-way bottles, gas cartridges, bundles of cylinders (frames), tanks for the transport of gases (cryogenic gases/LPG/etc.) on road.
Conformity Assessment For TPED:
Pressure receptacles including gas cartridges, their valves and other accessories when appropriate:
Type examination and type approval
Exceptional checks
Intermediate inspections
Periodic inspections
Reassessment of conformity
Tanks, battery vehicles/wagons, multiple-element gas containers (MEGCs), their valves and other accessories when appropriate:
Type examination and type approval
Exceptional checks
Intermediate inspections
Periodic inspections
Reassessment of conformity
3.CE Certification under Simple pressure vessels (SPVD) – 2014/29/EU:
Simple pressure vessel directive applicable for vessels manufactured in series by welding, which are intended to contain air or nitrogen at a gauge pressure greater than 0.5 bar but less than or equal to 30 bar & product of pressure multiplied by volume less than 10000 bar-liter, and not intended to be exposed to heat.
The directive categories vessels according to their stored energy, expressed in terms of the product of maximum working pressure in the bar and its capacity in litres (PS X V).Different provision apply to each category of vessel.
Products covered under this directive are Vessels for compressed air and nitrogen. For example, air compressors, pneumatic systems, braking systems, etc.
Conformity Assessment for SPVD:
A.Module B consists of vessels whose PS X V is more than 50 bars litres and manufacturer can choose in to 2 manners.
1.Module B Design Type: Assessment of the adequacy of the technical design of the vessel through examination of the technical documentation and supporting evidence without examination of a specimen (Applicable only when vessels manufactured according to harmonized standard)
2.Module B Production Type: Assessment of the adequacy of the technical design of the vessel through examination of the technical documentation and supporting evidence, plus examination of a prototype, representative of the production evidence of the complete vessel
B.One of the below Modules shall be used in addition to Module B for production control : Module C, C1 and C2
1.where the product of PS × V exceeds 3 000 bar.L, to conformity to type (Module B) based on internal production control plus supervised vessel testing (Module C1)
2.where the product of PS × V does not exceed 3 000 bar.L but exceeds 200 bar.L, at the choice of the manufacturer, to either of the following:
-conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised vessel testing (Module C1)
-conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised vessel checks at random intervals (Module C2)
3.where the product of PS × V does not exceed 200 bar.L but exceeds 50 bar L, at the choice of the manufacturer, to either of the following:
-conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised vessel testing (Module C1)
-conformity to type based on internal production control (Module C)
Why To Choose Eurocert?
As a Notified Body, Eurocert partners with you during all phases of the compliance process. This may include documentation and design reviews, product testing, system evaluation, and certification.
Eurocert group holds all necessary accreditations for type approval and certification in accordance with all relevant national and international regulations
Additional Services include:
-European Union Full Service Notified Body
–Quality System Auditing & Assessment
-Material Appraisals
–Welding Procedures / Welder Certification
-EU Competent and Notified Body for many other directives: please click below to check our scope of certification
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