Processing of appeals

Appeals against the Decision of the EISPL can be addressed below:

    • If the complainants disagree with decision or unsatisfied with the resolution of their grievance, they are entitled to appeal within 14 days of intimation of outcome of complaint investigation process.
    • The appeal can be made through e-mail.
    • Every appeal is required to be investigated and intimated to the appellant within 30 calendar days.
    • An interim progress report is required to be sent to the appellant, if investigation take more than 30 days.
    • The Directors hall first try to resolve the matter, as 1st line of resolution.
    • The appellant shall be apprised about investigation is being taken up on their appeal.
    • The outcome of the investigation and decision shall be informed to the appellant by on conclusion of investigation.
    • If the outcome of this first line resolution (or review), still be unacceptable to the appellant, they have recourse to the appeals for 2ndline of resolution.
    • When the appellant files for re-appeal, the Directorshall refer the matter to Appeals Committee.
    • The appellant is informed about composition of the appeal committee immediately.
      • The appellant can have the right to object inclusion of any member including chairperson in the constituted committee. Such objections shall be communicated within three days to the EISPL.
      • In event of objection from the appellant on inclusion of any member including chairperson in the constituted committee, a new committee is formed immediately.
  • The appeal committee shall meet immediately after issue of notification of the constitution.
  • The committee shall inform the appellant about venue, date and time of hearing and shall give reasonable time to the appellant to appear and respondent(s).
  • The decision of the committee is based on the majority of the committee and the Chairman shall declare the decision within 3 days.
  • The decision is not binding on the appellant, and if not satisfied, can approach the Accreditation Body for review.
  • The EISPL is required to take corrective action as outlined in this procedure.
  • The following are rules for appeal cost:
    • The EISPL reserves the right to charge the Appellant, reasonable costs for this second line of independent appeals resolution through invoicing as defined in paragraphs
    • Levy of charges to be notified in advance at the time of second line resolution and may be charged to the appellant ahead of any review commencing.
    • Approval of the Director to be obtained on the charges to be invoiced.
  • Under no circumstances, the EISPL or its employees or agents be liable for any losses or damages, except where costs arise as a result of the gross negligence or willful default of such persons.