ABOUT SLCP:SLCP has developed a simple, unified and effective industry-wide assessment framework. This has resulted in a descriptive (standard-agnostic) tool and verification methodology to collect relevant and essential data with the intent to objectively assess social and labor conditions and replace current proprietary tools.

SLCP is not a standard and does not provide certification. The Converged Assessment Framework is a descriptive (standard-agnostic) tool and verification methodology to collect relevant and essential data with the intent to objectively assess social and labor conditions.

What is a Accredited Host?

There are two types of Accredited Hosts: active and passive.  Following are the Active Accredited Hosts

Who does the verification ?

SLCP approved verified Body selects the verifier who will do the verification?

Who owns the verification data and who shares it ?

The facility owns the verified Data and they can decide whome to share with


SLCP asks facilities to do a self/joint- assessment first. Not only does it allow for a full understanding of their working conditions, it also:

  • gives facilities a better understanding of where gaps might be;
  • helps facilities understand how they can best improve working conditions;
  • empowers facilities to take ownership and control over the improvement of workers’ working conditions.

After the self/joint-assessment, an SLCP approved verifier is sent to verify its accuracy and create a complete and validated set of data. Then, the facility can decide with whom they want to share their verified data.

How to do the SELF ASSESSMENT ?

Facilities need to gather data from the previous 12 months to answer the Data Collection Tool’s questions.

In general, completing a self/joint-assessment takes around two weeks, the first time it is completed. With experience this can be done faster. The Facility Guidance document is key to complete the assessment efficiently and with high quality.

Using the online platform for data collection, facilities can attach applicable photographs/documents for every question on the Tool. Note that all attachments are included in the verified assessment report (the outcome of the SLCP assessment process) that is shared with end users, so you should not include records that you do not want them to see.

How many sections are there in SLCP Data Tool ?

There are 10 sections in SLCP tool. They are

  1. Facility Profile
  2. Recruitment and Hiring
  3. Working Hours
  4. Wages and Benefits
  5. Worker Treatment
  6. Worker Involvement
  7. Health and Safety
  8. Termination
  9. Management Systems
  10. Above and Beyond

What is the first thing a Factory has to do to start the SLCP process?

  1. Register and create their profile on the Gateway
  2. Link to an Accredited Host
  3. Create their profile on the Accredited Host

A facility selects one of three “Step” options to complete the Tool:

  • Step 1: “Essential”
  • Step 2: “Progressive”
  • Step 3: “Advanced”
  • “Step” 1: “Essential” covers key social & labor compliance questions, mostly connected to International Labor Standards (ILS) and National Labor Law (NLL).
  • “Step” 2: “Progressive” focuses on management systems and questions that are supportive social & labor compliance questions but less critical. These questions are often found in social industry and certification standards. Step 2 includes all Step 1 questions.
  • “Step” 3: “Advanced” covers questions that go above and beyond social responsibility industry standards, are not required by national or international law, and seek to elevate workplace well-being and community impact. Step 3 includes all Step 1 and Step 2 questions.

What is the Difference between a normal Audit and SLCP Verification ?

SLCP verification
SLCP verification

What is the Factory’s responsibility in SLCP verification Process ?

The facility is responsible for facilitating a successful verification by:

  • Completing the self/joint-assessment and attaching (if desired) documentation to the assessment through the Accredited Host platform.
  • Providing necessary information for cost estimation to the Verifier Body, including whether the facility wishes to include virtual verification activities.
  • Working together with the Verifier Body/ Verifier to schedule the verification so that it is conducted over consecutive days during which the facility can support the Verifier with needed staff.
  • Support the Verifier during the on-site verification, including but not limited to:
    • Providing access to the facility
    • Showing all relevant documentation and sites
    • Introducing to appropriate personnel, including for worker (representative) interviews

Note: if a facility does not support the verification, e.g. denies a Verifier access to information, sites or workers, the Verifier needs to make note of this in the Verification Details section.

Ironing out any concerns or questions about the verification and the subsequent verified assessment report as early as possible – ideally while the Verifier is on-site or latest 48 hours after the on- site verification ends

Is Subcontracting allowed by SLCP?

The term “subcontractor” is used to describe an entity or person who is not part of the facility but is used by the facility to complete part or all of the facility’s production process. A subcontractor is NOT a labor recruiter/ labor agency, service provider (e.g., maintenance, cleaning, security, canteen workers), or materials supplier.

If subcontractors are working in the facility, the facility is subject to questions related to subcontractors. If subcontractors work in production, they are considered within the scope of “production worker”

Does SLCP allows Virtual Verification?

SLCP permits Verifiers to conduct virtual verification activities in order to reduce the time spent on-site during a verification. Virtual verifications can include the following activities:

  • Pre-verification meetings
  • Opening meetings
  • Documentation reviews
  • Virtual interviews to further understand documents shared
  • Virtual walk-throughs
  • Partial wage and hours records review

Requirements for virtual verification activities:

  • All virtual verification activities must be completed before on- site verification activities can begin
  • The Verifier(s) conducting the virtual verification activities must also be involved in the associated on-site verification
  • It is always the facility’s decision to permit the Verifier to engage in any virtual verification activities

Can a Factory dispute the verification?

A facility can dispute the outcome of the verification on the Accredited Host platform if there are quality and/or integrity issues related to the Verifier’s conduct or if the verification did not follow the Verification Protocol. Disputes cannot be raised at question level.

Once the facility has disputed the verification, the Verification Oversight Organization (VOO) is notified and will begin an investigation. The VOO will hear all parties involved and conduct additional research to come to a ruling.

What does the over SLCP verification Flow Looks like ?

SLCP verification Flow
SLCP verification Flow preparation Phase
SLCP Verification Flow - Verification Phase
SLCP Verification Flow – Verification Phase
SLCP Verification Flow - Post verification Phase
LCP Verification Flow – Post verification Phase


Eurocert is a approved training provider and a Approved Verifying Body  for SLCP