Business Responsibility & Sustainability Reporting (BRSR)

What Most People Know

The Benefits of BRSR Reporting

  • Enhanced business value
  • Increased access to capital investment 
  • Lowered risk: Not only within their own operations but also within their supply chain, among subsidiaries, or within their own investment portfolio.
  • Enhanced corporate governance 
  • Attracting talent & Investor Confidence

What Most People Don’t Know

Why you need BRSR

In addition to complying with BRSR, the top 150 companies (by market capitalisation) are mandated to report their sustainability performance in the BRSR Core format from FY 2023–24. The applicability of BRSR Core will gradually increase from 150 companies in FY 2023–24 to 1000 by FY 2026–27. In addition, the top 250 listed companies are mandated to disclose the ESG footprint of their value chain from FY 2024–25 and obtain assurance through third-party auditors on a comply-or-explain basis from FY 2025–26. As per Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) committee recommendation, the reporting requirement may be extended by MCA to unlisted companies based on specified thresholds of turnover or paid-up capital. Further ESG disclosures for the value chain shall be applicable to the top 250 listed entities (by market capitalization), on a comply-or-explain basis from FY 2024-25. Further the reports other than BRSR also needs to be verified as per SEBI standards.

Mandatory Verification (*Not exhaustive)

  • Electricity Consumption, water usage, air emissions
  • Human rights, minimum and fair wages.
  • Anti-corruption, anti-bribery and conflicts of interest policies.
  • Parental benefits, employee accessibility

Benefits of BRSR verification from Eurocert SA

  • Valuation of “Green Credits” generated by the company and the value chain partners
  • BRSR Verification will be scaled on the accumulative of foreign agencies offering ESG ratings and international frameworks such as TCFD, GRI or CDP for which Eurocert SA auditors are competent.
  • Verifications are done by members and auditors with experience under FATF and are recognized under respective laws

How Eurocert SA assist and work

Eurocert SA verify your mandatory Essential Indicators (EI) and voluntary Leadership Indicators (LI) disclosures

Eurocert SA verifies your Transition or Parivartan Score, Combined Score, Core Transition or Parivartan Score, Core Combined Score

In addition, Eurocert SA is competent to assess and verify your

A – General Disclosures

B – Management & Process Disclosures including

  • Leadership & Governance

C – Individual Verification

  • Ethics, Transparency and Accountability
  • Anti-corruption or anti-bribery, Conflict of Interest
  • Sustainability and Extended Producer Responsibility
  • Health & Safety management
  • Human Rights
  • Energy, water Consumption
  • Emissions: Air including Scope 1, 2 & 3
  • Waste Management
  • Social &/or Environmental Impact Assessment