How to get SA 8000certificate?
Before we explain how to get a SA 8000 certificate , we have to tell you that there is no standard . What we are outlining here is a broad approach a factory/producer/organization should follow
STEP 1 PLAN- this is the most difficult part- How to jump in ? Make sure that the top managment understands all the three types of costs associated with SA 8000. The top managment has to commit to long term impact of this social commitment to society at large and their own organization as the catalyst .Call us for more information
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STEP 2 BUILD YOUR SOCIAL SYSTEM – this is the most important step in this step you make procedurs and policies . Be sure to refer to the resources already published by SAI – SA 8000 implementation guideline and Perfromance Indicator Annexure- These two documents are very good resource and will help you in implementing SA 8000 properly. Another important part of this step is
STEP3 GET THE AUDIT DONE: This is the most important steps . Get the Certification Body to do the audit. The output of a audit is observation and non conformities – Respond to all observation and non conformities involving all Social perfromance Team .